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          大阪千里山柏屋? 米其林三星初體驗 在台灣時就已經決定無論如何要造訪大阪的米其林餐廳, 找了幾家都說客滿了.還好找到柏屋日本料理接受預約, 預約晚上七點, 所以六點從梅田站新阪急飯店出發, 正好搭乘阪急線到?大前站,中途共有八站, 18分鐘, 代償出了站就開始先確定好方向. 當然事前準備工作很重要, 真的是很偏僻的地方, 全都是住宅區,路上有沒幾個行人在走, 接著就是一段上坡路段,我的心裡一直滴 西服咕著如果貴又不好吃就慘了~ 後來真的有繞了些路還是讓我們找到, 到的時候已經七點十分左右, 有兩位穿著和服的服務生已經在門口迎接我們. 這是入口處的招牌 先走上幾個?景觀設計弗?
中庭的花園 一樓的走道, 充滿日式風格的房子 接著帶我們直接到二樓, 把外套圍巾帽子幫我們先掛好 天啊..這個包廂未免也太大了..後來女將解釋樓下四個房間都已經客滿, 只好幫我們準備到原來 買屋宴會廳可以招待二十人的地方. 想說我們是外國人當初預約也不好拒絕吧.. 全都是木頭建築, 空氣中隱約還有質樸的香氣 日式古色古香的裝潢 先奉上熱茶和熱毛巾, 為我帶來一絲的暖意 手工做的牙籤, 好細緻 先品嘗用餐開 膠原蛋白胃的清酒, 開始上菜也換了一杯比較淡的茶 新鮮的海膽, 微烤過的干貝 味道鮮美極了 蝦捲和丸子, 搭配細長的果皮..略帶水果的香氣, 清爽的口感, 湯裡面還有閃閃發亮的金子 生魚片配上梅子醋和海帶醬, 白色的魚片搭配梅子醋..還有切工很細的軟絲 買房子連小裝飾配菜都處理得很精緻 這道菜看起來很平凡但很讓我驚艷, 切得微薄的蘿蔔包起生魚片和米, 另類壽司 解剖圖長這樣..超好吃 魚蛋完全沒腥味, 黑豆上有金泊, 醃過鮭魚片裡面包著起司..很不一樣大膽的做法 這道魚料理上來, 連盤子都是溫熱的..味道也很好, 雖然沒有 G2000過多的裝飾 好多菇類 兩種味道不一樣的丸子搭配蔬菜 梅子醋紅鯛魚茶飯搭配三種醬菜, 其實有點飽了..但真的好吃 這時候換上, 味道較濃的飯後茶, 忍不住說讚 蜂蜜牛奶凍搭配草莓和奇異果, 連甜點也好吃 最後一道, 日本甜點裡面有包黃色豆沙 日本甜點搭配日式傳統抹茶, 喝完了發現茶碗底?房屋貸款陪荅瑭y對我微笑..這個茶碗要位置要擺對 果真有米其林三星的水準, 女將無論擺盤收盤動作都極為專業, 料理食材也看得出用心. 最後買了一本有介紹柏屋的書回家 女將也是這家店的老闆良, 果真很專業, 每道菜都?我們詳細說明, 雖然我有聽沒懂. 連在褟褟米走路的聲音和一般服務生就是不一樣 料理長超乎意外的年輕, 手藝 酒店經紀很好. 一直跟我說謝謝, 還好心幫我在書上慎重的用毛筆簽名.本來想原子筆寫一寫就好..楸甘心 離開時料理長一直彎腰90度, 直到看不到我們身影才離開..真的好感動.下次有機會還要造訪 終於發現原來吃到用心美味的料理, 也是件幸福的事情, 超開心~ Address : 大阪府吹田市千里山西2-5-18 Tel : 06-6386-2234 http://r.gnavi.co.jp/c1589 婚禮佈置00/  .

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          長榮桂冠精品旅館 長榮桂冠精品旅館 網址: http://www.evergreen-motel.com.tw (敬請期待!) 訂房專線:(04)762-3388 酒店兼職 彰化市彰水路31號 (彰水路與彰鹿路口 情趣用品,彰化市交流道80公尺) 長榮桂冠精品旅館共有23間客房 宜蘭民宿,每一間都有不同的主題規劃,並搭配不同的裝潢風格及名貴建材,營造出不一樣的空 酒店經紀間氣氛。以Motel為經營型態的長榮桂冠精品旅館,可別小看!館內還附設咖啡廳,讓休息、住宿者或客滿?商務中心厊@意等候者可至咖啡廳免費享用咖啡、點心、茶飲,這是國內Motel少有的創舉。 共有23間完全不同主題的房間,還是聘請港台 小型辦公室六位設計師精心規畫的 本間房間走的是狂野路線 一般清潔用品什麼洗髮!沐浴乳!通通有,除此還特別提供『黃金酒粕洗面乳』 他們 一直在玩 辦公室出租 大家一定開始在想~~我在拍什麼鬼東西 原來~ 我只是想要說,還有這種服務燈啊?(p.s不要笑我俗喔) 每個房間都有種植樹木花草 很喜歡這盞燈吶! 另外也感謝?房地產j家參與 12月02日(六)的手機簡訊活動,通關密語【彰水路】 恭喜 施瑞?(0928) 毛凱倫(0921) 陳友誠(0931) 陳信宏(0956) 董誌彥(0970) 得到 由長榮桂冠精品旅館提供的免費住宿乙次 後記:這次?永慶房屋※尨啋p激烈,再次謝謝大家~ 上百通之中的這5位朋友,真的超級幸運滴!!其它朋友別灰心,下次得獎的也許就是你囉!我們會一直秉持著這個想法---『好東西要和好朋友分享』(是這麼說沒錯吧!歡迎大家都來做好朋友! 東森房屋)  .

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          20090409 合購美食~花語烘焙工坊的提拉米蘇 從4/7開始接連拿了三天的合購, 而且還一天趕二場,文章都快來不及寫了 = =“ 今晚?好房網釭漪O『花語烘焙工坊的提拉米蘇』, 房屋二胎原價180元現特價150元, 我拿到時稍為有點愣了一下, 因為比 禮服想像中的小盒, 不過訂的是6吋,只是乍看感覺有點迷你。 包裝盒打開,刀片夾在盒下 G2000, 四個角抵住蛋糕以防滑動, 不過就因剛好抵住了, 切也不好切,拿也不好拿,應該要更smart一點; 蛋糕的部?婚禮顧問鬫酗T層, 底部竟是我愛的消化餅耶! 上層的巧克力粉苦苦的, 奶油味不會很濃,沒有酒味, 吃起來軟綿綿很細緻, 中層的巧克 烤肉食材力蛋糕反倒很好吃,搶走了奶油的風采。 2008年12月亦訂了“塔吉特”的提拉米蘇, 只覺得就是吃了個『奶油蛋糕』,沒有多大驚喜, 花語的表現度比塔吉特好太?結婚西裝h了。 回購率:80% 花語烘焙工坊:http://www.j-tea.com.tw/ Ihergo網站:http://www.ihergo.com/store/xo65905/product ※ 提拉米蘇回味區: 點心時間~塔吉特提拉米蘇蛋 信用貸款糕 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=1253&prev=1319&next=1124&l=f&fid=5 合購美食~法蜜樂義大利餐廳~提拉米蘇家庭杯(馬斯卡邦乾酪) http://tw.myblog. 結婚西裝yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=6044&prev=-1&next=6032 合購美食~樂爺提拉米蘇(不能說的餐廳)http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g7s8F5yREQD2By.BYIRhicUDMm1CYeyM/article?mid=8955&prev=-1&n 有巢氏房屋ext=8938  .

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          轉載-八極拳原名 八極拳原名「鈀(巴ㄅㄚˇ)子拳」,發源於河北省滄州縣東南鄉,此地俗名為巴子拳,何時產生出現?無從考證。在明朝名將戚繼光所著的《紀效新書》中有提到巴子拳的一段話: 『古今拳家、宋太祖有三十二勢長拳、又有六步拳猴拳、各勢各有所稱,而實大同小異。至今之溫家七十二行拳、三十六合鎖、二十棄探馬、八閃翻十二短、此亦善之善者也。呂紅八下雖剛、未及綿張短打。山東李半天之腿、鷹爪王之拿、千跌張之跌、張伯敬之打、少林寺之棍、與青田棍法相兼。楊氏槍法、與巴子拳棍皆古今有名者。』 由此可知此拳法在明代已是相當有名,但是因為巴子拳非常粗俗,因此清康熙年間的門人吳鐘(恂勤郡,王允禔的老師註一)將其改稱八極拳。清同治年間,在河北省滄州縣東南鄉「張沙」的小村落裡,八極門的希世名人—「神槍」 李書文 先生(註二)誕生了。李書文字同臣,出身農家,自小在鄰近的孟村隨金殿陞學習八極拳和大槍術,後來又學劈掛掌(註三)並將八極與劈掛互相融合,截長補短,在大槍術(丈八六合大槍)方面更是神乎其技、所向無敵,因此在武林中被稱為「神槍李」。 李 先生曾在河北山東河南以及東北各省參加比賽,終其一生無敵手,受教於 李 先生者不可勝數,入門弟子:有霍殿閣(註四)、許蘭州、任國棟、柳虎臣、張驤伍、那玉崑、韓化臣、趙樹德、竇世 澎湖民宿龍、徐志清、丁仲傑、劉雲樵(註五)、及姪兒劉序東。馬英圖、鳳圖、昌圖兄弟本來是學習劈掛掌,後來修習八極拳與 李 先生交流。鳳圖曾經擔任縣長之職,學習眾多武術後完成健宗拳。英圖在南京中央國術館擔任教練,推廣八極拳。昌圖是軍人死於軍閥內爭之中。已去世的名武術家— 李元智 先生便是出生於中央國術館。 註一:恂勤郡,王允禔為康熙第十四子註二:李書文  長沙人,八極門第六世。《滄州縣誌》曰 其為黃四海弟子,但李書文卻未曾提及向黃四海  學武一事。身材瘦小,但精悍超拔出群,可不捨晝 夜專心鍛鍊,因為出手便取人性命,立下無數仇敵  ,晚年於一次比武將人打死後,被仇家於茶水中下  毒而死,享年64歲。註三:劈掛掌為長距離攻擊拳法,是通臂拳之祖。通臂拳  行似劈掛掌卻又不盡相同,武林之中流傳一句話:  「八極加劈掛,鬼神都害怕」。註四:霍殿閣為李書文同鄉,是李書文中年才收的「開門 弟子」。後來應清朝宣統皇帝(愛新覺羅.溥儀)  之  聘,前往東北進入護院,成為宣統皇帝的武術 老師。其所教之八極拳,在東北發揚光大, 稱為「長春八 烤肉極」。註五:劉雲樵,字笑塵,河北滄州人。為李書文晚年「閉 門弟子」,也是最為疼愛的一個,有「山東小霸王 」之稱。民國十八年為政府吸收,負責情報。當時  的情報人員是以「千字文」的「天、地、玄、黃 …」排名,當時他自己是「天「字,也就是以訛傳  訛、大名鼎鼎的「天字第一號」。其著名事蹟之一 ,就是暗殺孫傳芳,來台後,於蔣經國遭暗殺事件 後,李元智先生向政府推舉,應政府之聘,任總統 府侍衛隊武術教官,教授八極拳,後來成立武壇國 術推廣中心。劉雲樵先生事蹟頗多,故不加詳述,  如有興趣,再另文介紹。=================================================================================================劉雲樵,字笑塵,滄南集北頭世家。父親劉之沂,為庠生;伯父劉之潔,為廩生,均入保定軍校習陸軍。一九0九年,陰歷 二月初八 日,劉雲樵誕生,為劉家第十七世。上面有兩姐 ,皆不幸早世,便成為劉家唯一之男丁。自小多病其全身僅剩皮包骨,但肚子腫脹如鼓,這種病滄州之人稱「疲症」。其父祖兩代之保鏢,太祖及迷蹤兩門高手----張耀庭,遂負專責照顧,每日於肚子運氣推拿,結果半年肚子就消了一 膠原蛋白大半,一年後身體的肌肉亦長出。張耀庭常把年方三四歲的劉雲樵甩著玩。但不管怎麼丟怎麼拋。劉雲樵定是雙腳著地。決不受傷,可見張耀庭功夫拿捏極準且巧。劉父以太祖長拳開蒙。劉父位尊體胖,亦練此拳,以代體操。時而父子同練,一百零八式,慢拉架子之時,劉父每曰:「雲樵,你長大也不必做官發財,只把身體弄好,續了咱們劉家的香煙,歷代祖宗都要感激你的恩啊!」。五歲後。其父便把他交給張耀庭開始教他迷宗拳。身體日益健壯。劉父大喜,以張氏也是出身佃農,以田盡賜之,厚給養老之資送歸。  此同時,劉父四出探訪,必欲物色最佳名手,以教導嬌兒。七歲時。套大車、卑詞色,迎神槍李書文回來,與劉雲樵同飲食起居,專攻八極、劈掛之藝。李書文擅長八極拳和六合大槍人稱「神槍李」。授徒極嚴尤其重於斂神凝志收心養氣。這下活潑好動的劉雲樵便覺十分辛苦。常想投機取巧。但李書文言明:「不蹲馬步就不教」此時張耀庭已走,他雖覺李書文不通情理,也只得練下去。半年後,性情鋒芒被磨消殆進,李書文才教他練八極拳的架子。練了三年,精進勇猛,但僅得小八極一套。他向父親表示不願再學,其父訝然問是何故,雲樵便說:「練了三年,只練了一個架子,師父又不願教點別的,實在沒意思。」劉父便宴請李書文,酒酣之際,將雲樵之意同李書文說,李書文怒目 售屋網說:「他該練什麼我不知道﹖」「不!不!不!李師父,我的意思是說,能不能教他拳法,不要再練架子。」劉父忙答, 李書文神色嚴肅回曰:「我說行就行!」沒多久,李書文便教他練大八極拳和六合大槍。書文曾為直督李景林督辦之西席,因故忤之,景林遂遣他歸。李氏銜之,思有以為報。景林以劍聞名,有「天下第一劍」之譽。而李氏每薄之曰:「穿個大掛練劍,又不會,一拳打死!」。  至一九三一年,雲樵十八歲時,藝成,李書文便攜雲樵四處遊歷,以為欲進其藝,必試實敵,為唯一不二之法門。且欲覓機緣,挫辱景林。而劉雲樵為世家之子,與馮玉祥、張繼等為親眷。北洋軍中,民國官場,多為熟識,可資庇蔭。  抵黃縣後,下榻於李書文門人,第五路總指揮----張驤伍將軍司令部中。驤伍為景林,多方緩頰迴護。劉雲樵則日出訪友較技,拳角兵器無敵手,一時有「小霸王」之譽。  某日早晨,出指揮部後門便是丁家花園捐建之民眾教育館,見國術班中,一慈祥老者在「誤人子弟」。劉雲樵搦戰,竟受其一招「展拍」打翻在地。驤伍知悉六合螳螂掌門高人----丁子成,遂代為設法,禮聘丁氏,教此莽撞小師弟以螳螂之技。  其間又遇驤伍之八卦業師----宮寶田。稍一試習,便深喜愛。乃隨宮氏赴煙台,深求其藝於北山寓所。驤伍查緝煙毒,清剿土匪,殺人實夥;山東人以「張閻 保濕面膜王」、「張剝皮」稱之。而沒入之煙土,則以之為小師弟之贄敬,獻供宮寶田享用。劉父在鄉,又月匯銀洋為學費。劉雲樵遂以黑白兩色之學費,深造陰陽八卦之神掌,可謂奇遇! 李書文長日無俚,落寞殊甚,遂辭驤伍護送,飄然隻身返里。經濰縣,有人聞其大名,請求較技,又將人斃。旁偽裝敬畏,挽留款待,竟下毒殺之!一代高手,溘逝長眠;此時為一九三四年。驤伍知會雲樵,又報仇緝兇兩無著落,悵然之下遂作歸計。=================================================================================================一九三六年時,天津租界日軍將校,太田德三郎,為日本劍道高段名手。素來輕視中華武術無用,而劍技更屬花俏之法,像是舞蹈,不堪一擊。於是公開求戰,又無人敢應戰,狂妄至極,以為我中國無人。劉雲樵聞訊義憤填膺,立刻坐夜車赴天津,訂約於法國公園,公開比劍。天津武術界為之興奮,皆來搦陣。到約定之日,雙方持木劍爭鋒。太田揮刃直撲,劉氏側攻應之,「一劍化三影」,連中其脅,太田為之棄劍撫膺而降。  。後會晤師兄霍殿閣,殿閣訝其八極、劈掛同出一師,而多有不牟。與八卦孫鍚稍熟稔,剛好宮寶田之信到達,大吃一驚,才知劉雲樵竟也是八卦門之人。遇山西任德奎,以為其形意可觀。趙堡王樹森,陳氏太極拳壓眾。而滄州同鄉李玉祥,則以 酒店打工青萍劍法名滿津門。雲樵尤愛梁家嘴,七十八國術館館長王雲章之寸八番,欲從之學。雲章輕之,漫不為禮。劉雲樵趁機痛擊他於諸弟子前,大罵奪門而去。此時少年英發,十五二十歲而已。  劉父以習武旨在強身,而愛子沉溺太過。年歲漸長,宜務正業。乃於一九三七年入朝陽大學,專攻法律。不意蘆溝事變,全面抗戰。劉雲樵脫身赴西北,入西安軍分校。  畢業入伍,自排長當起,屢戰積功,升連、營、團長,至上校軍階。數次負傷,一度被皇協軍所俘,解赴鄆城。自想必死,辭色不肯稍屈。日軍素愛與戰俘格鬥,作為戲侮,而且學習實戰。劉雲樵連敗小日本,銳不可當。日本人尊敬其勇、佩服其技,反而以軍中配給之肉食罐頭分享。於是趁防範稍懈,雲樵縱身越牆夜遁,隨從其身後欲脫逃者,不知有多少!但  聽聞鎗聲如同雨下,可憐成了鎗下魂罷了!  劉雲樵引軍入陝,於西安遇天津舊識灌雲人李增樹,當時其任西北農民銀行保鏢。增樹久居山西,擅大槍,求與之較量。鏖戰多時,終於屈福於劉雲樵絕技左把槍下。  又在寶雞,遇前開封國術館馬金義館長,擅心意六合之技,談武論藝於茶樓,有不合意,起立試手。金義奮身搶中盤,劉雲樵以八極拳一記「托窗」,化力還力,擲送之飛越茶案而仆。金義嘆服,明日親送國術館顧問聘書,遂訂深交。  劉公軼事頗多,而暗殺孫傳芳及暗殺大漢奸 永慶房屋----日偽天津維持會會長唐少儀,更是為人津津樂道者。劉家與孫傳芳及其將領素來熟稔,其時孫傳芳隱居「紫竹林」道觀中,觀外具是便衣衛士,常人無從進入。劉家因與孫是世交,遂從容攜一旋劍翹然進入,輕易擊格斃孫傳芳,轟動中外。一九四九年,雲樵隨軍渡台灣。曾任傘兵大隊長,遨翔於青天白雲之上,意氣猶不稍減。後調國防部人事室主任,詮敘鑑定赴台官兵之階等。此時己覺案槽勞形,非能勝任。再轉聯勸總部,督造眷村,大庇各軍眷屬皆歡顏。而劉雲樵清廉自守,書空咄咄,居於台北近郊,景美鎮頭,日據時代舊市場,光復後以甘蔗板隔間,做為軍眷臨時宿舍之三間蔗板屋,一小方天井中。未到知命之年,就己慨然生引退之意。  台北之新公園,為練武名所之一。在此授拳者,不乏名手。六合螳螂在台唯一傳人----張詳三,於此教徒,三十餘年如一日。一九六六年間,偶然兼與兩位非武術界,然時來打拳運動之人士閒話,其中之一說:我們滄州劉雲樵,如何如何……;另一位則說:應是我們天津劉雲樵,怎樣怎樣……」;詳三莞爾,說「只怕是我師弟,俺們山東黃縣的劉雲樵吧!」而三人之中,唯滄州某實同鄉,知劉雲樵在台,引見詳三,握手恍如隔世。  因此遂不能隱躲。當時,立法院中每逢週日,例為武術界聚會之所。其會議室某號,為太極拳學會活動之地。而共和廳中,則各派名手雲集,有「聚義廳」之號。當時時論以 租房子 為:「台灣的武術,台北最盛;台北的高手都在立法院『開會』」云云。劉雲樵與諸巨子遊,悵然若有所失……,乃收學生徒地三五人,痛施嚴厲之鍾煉。凡經啟誘,不數月竟判若兩人,於是眾人皆驚佩,益挽之參與武術之組織及活動。  當時有全國技擊委員會,胡偉克將軍主其事。遇劉雲樵,大為驚詫;每數日必謀求一晤以為快。又為引介蔣緯國將軍,緯國驚問:「是跟我同守潼關的劉雲樵嗎﹖」  一九六八年,初膺重寄,代偉克以中華國術代表隊副領隊身份,手提勁旅,往訪馬來西亞。宣慰僑胞,交流武林,並為馬國之社會研究所籌募基金,在吉隆坡盛大義演,極獲成功。  一九七0年,應聘赴菲律濱。於馬尼拉開辦太極拳、八卦掌,及昆吾劍班。因逢菲國水災,更參加慈善義演,賬災救難。  一九七一年六月,創刊《武壇》武術專門雜誌,好評雖多,而經營能力不善!至一九七三年,以財力缺乏結束。然而該刊附設之武術訓練班,滋長茁壯;後來成立武壇國術推廣中心而活躍。其學生今在全島大專院校之武術社團任教者,有二十餘所。又因學生多是知識青年,出國升學、就職者多,以故武壇弟子遍佈亞美歐洲,其中位高望崇者,更不乏者。如 徐紀 先生、 蘇昱彰 先生等人。  日本武術家,聞劉雲樵名,多赴台灣受教,始識江海之大。大陸開放後,乃興繼續訪求八極、劈掛之動機,熱力久持不稍退。除滄州一地;北京、上海;即使西北、東北之八 房屋二胎極拳家,無不受訪求教外,更迎赴日本。據該國統計調查,除陳太極拳外,八極實為最受歡迎之門派。現遇 劉雲樵 先生逝世十週年之時,更是令人懷念這位武術大師。 附註 迷宗拳是由燕青拳而來,但燕青拳卻不知從何而來,所以稱迷宗。也由於身法奇特,又稱迷蹤,許多人把他寫為秘宗、密宗、猊豵、等其實是錯誤的迷宗拳因武術大師霍元甲的發揚光大,所以名聞中外,但叫燕青拳,據說是梁山好漢浪子燕青所創,他以「燕青十八翻」名動江湖,傳下了這套拳法另一種說法是這拳術流行於燕州(河北)及青州(山東)一帶,所以稱為燕青拳。 此文章多見武壇之劉雲樵公簡歷 拳兒這本書中有關八極拳傳承和李書文的資料,多援用《滄州縣誌》但此誌多謬誤,可參考我前述之文比對之。=================================================================================================武壇網站http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/2630/抗衡八極http://baji.tw.to/=================================================================================================以上文章轉載自GameBase(www.gamebase.com.tw)的遊戲與軍事討論板。原著者為mj230538(野望)http://www.gamebase.com.tw/member/card.asp?m_no=113038 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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          滿朝都是死白痴!!!~東方美人茶以顏色分級 茶農:長官「外行」 中華民國~滿朝都是死白痴! 東方美人茶以顏色分級 茶農:長官「外行」 更新日期:2010/01/23 00:42 記者房書勤/新竹報導 農糧署和茶葉改良 裝潢場針對峨眉鄉東方美人茶分級制度最近有新作為,大部分茶農都認為都是長官「外行」,名稱一改再改、又改,只讓投?東森房屋鱆怞Q得逞,並不是真正在幫助茶農。峨眉鄉所盛產的東方美人茶遠近知名,甚至日本 NHK電視台還專程為了東方美人茶葉上有「小綠葉蟬」啃食?景觀設計漱捄M滋味,遠從日本來到峨眉鄉富興段茶葉產銷班做專題報導,東方美人的盛名東方、西方甚至歐洲都聞名。早期比賽茶等級分為;特等、頭等、貳等、參等、優等。其中 G2000優等又分為三花、二花、一花做為茶葉分級。好不容易外界消費者和茶農已經習慣分級作法,如今農糧署和茶改場又變出新花樣,要求茶農將現有的分級改成;特等、頭等、白、紅、黃、褐、綠顏色分?居酒屋央A結果未改先轟動,茶農大罵改分級作法是「白癡」作法。 茶葉產銷班長曾潤廷指出,比賽茶等級分級是給消費大眾瞭解,茶農們本身都很瞭解茶葉的辨識,光是簡單的分級對茶農來說一點都不困難。但是農糧署和茶改?售屋網鶨牷u精心設想」的分級很複雜,他們將茶葉的分級當成「酒」的分級,外國酒的分級是以「顏色」區分,茶葉根本不能用顏色分級,尤其是東方美人茶上頭被小綠葉蟬吸食後,呈現茶葉芽尖帶「白毫」最是珍貴。 曾潤廷強調,東方美人茶種是「青 結婚西裝心大」品種,只不過東方美人茶色外觀亮麗、朱紅色很容易辨識,茶湯金黃喝起來有濃濃的「蜜香」,口齒留香。在台灣有金萱和四季春芽尖都有「白毫」,但是茶色呈綠色、深綠色,品味起來味道大不相同。市面上有不少投機的茶農魚目混珠,將金萱和四季春白 襯衫毫權充東方美人茶,藉機出售高價博高利,若是農糧署和茶改場用顏色分級,專業的茶農其實都可以分辨茶類,消費大眾卻不懂、也分辨不出來,如此只會讓消費大眾受矇騙、花大錢,根本不是幫助農民,而是浪費、誤導消費大眾。 黃森昌認為,簡單分級易懂、不複雜,消費者不需要再 租房子 教育,品茶也不是只以「比賽茶」為主,因此變化分級並沒有多大意義,峨眉地區專業茶農比比都是,現在的分級簡單易懂不需改,也分辨得清清楚楚,若要分甚麼色,只是增加困擾,沒有賣點,也不知道是哪位長官的主意,許多風聞改級的茶農都大罵「白癡」才會用色分級。茶葉又不是電影三級片,要用「色」來?新成屋嶸禳C  .

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          Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves...http://www.drudgereport.com/ Senator, yo 酒肉朋友u can do better to make law clearly says that every American mus 酒店工作t have right to use gun to kill anyone of them under good gun shot to spare them fro 裝潢m having to commit suicide to kill themselves.UPDATE: Senator: AIG execs should repent, not kill selves... 裝潢 http://www.drudgereport.com/ Senator must be too stupid bad ugly evil to know that money power sex corruptio 房地產ns, that how Bush junior corrupted under the sex of Condi Rice; only those who loves God more than anything can stand firm to past the time test 部落格. Had AIG execs can know what repent means, they would not committed any sex money power crime at the first place. Just see how Bush junor showed no repented to his sex crime in his f 部落格arewell show up or off to figure the bottom line out. Just see how your lair rapist USA President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary (Shamelessly selfishly disgustingly lawlessly Godlessl 部落格y to tell you how she sacrifice her privacy to suck you. If she indeed repent, she should killed Bill Clinton and 0bama to got herself to be killed instead of tooled fooled like their shield.) Clint 賣屋on showed no repent to their money sex power crimes to see the stupid bad ugly evil uncurable. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用貸款  .

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          Go to hell ChuChaoRan and ChenSuiBian links Why ChuChaoRen(415-695-9678) so evilly raped me twice to damage my virgin clean? I did not think about it even when I posted my last comments in baidu or someone's blog . I just got it from the ghost sense that evil disgusting ChuChaoRen fucked me to challenge good man ChiangKaiShake's spy head, because he must have had the tool(s) from ChiangKaiShake's spy head enemy within to know or read or watch all my mind, therefore, he knew what I was thinking while "Lin.G.Zong" companied me meeting him in "Ill.Land" "Jyao.C" trip; he's so evil intentionally messing up the whole spy world therefore, made ChiangKaiShake's spy head "Yuan.Sway.Nun.Joe.Jean.Whore" watched me falling into "Who.Call"; Yes, Linda Chwan(718-2656502 917-4353068) and her family members so called "Da.Chen.Ren" major criminals worked together with evil doers ChuChaoRen grouped, and ChenSuiBian must have been one of those "Da.Chen.Ren" slaves, this may explain how come that stupid bad ugly evil ChenSuiBian so eagerly abused his power to do evil acting like he's above God to pardon criminals "Lee.Yu.Tang" couple's dead bodies. Go to hell ChuChaoRen and ChenSuiBian and whoever bent to them to have the evil mind to trap me into hells. Because human being must not be allowed to test God, no 東森房屋t mention to test naive innocent homeless parentless loveless young woman like I was. Shame on ChenSuiBian cowardly disgustingly step on innocent naive parentless homeless loveless young woman's injustice to crawl up to get high chair seat in Taiwan. If stupid bad ugly evil ChenSuiBian does not even have had the brain cell and common sense to know that he does not divorce, he must die for her together or immediate after like my dad had showed inside "Keelung River", then ChenSuiBian too stupid to qualify seat in President House in Taiwan; if he already knew then his crime add more "Mean.Zhi.Goo(se).Fun.". This may explain how come man should not marry at the first place if he does not afford to die together with or immediate after her deadly body cold. This may explain how come so many or most men died before spouse, or divorce at the old ages like many Japanese couples had done. This may explain how come Chinese said "君無[喜喜]宴", how come MouJerDong and Chiang Kai-Shake even had lived that long, ChiangChin and SungMayLink both had stayed longer than her BIG MAN. How come that major male role in the movie "BraveHeart" must have died that miserably to make up his extra date in order to be able 台灣房屋to afford to return the rest of the mankind form. Therefore, you should know those man who widowed or widows like that so called "HongHighKwall" integrity all in doubt. Why those man whose spouse died, he must die? Because take care his intitled spouse is his lawful duty, he allowed her died in front of him or before him, that means he failed his duty, he must die for his failure, because marriage not like other duty that someone else must be able to share the blamed burden, only him to be blamed to die for that failure, this may explain how come Japan Samurai must have killed self and got friend willing to help him finished the suicide. Therefore, man, do not kill your spouse, that's against your duty, you kill her, you committed double crimes; divorce her instead of kill her, if you think she's too evil to be allowed to live any more longer, divorce her first then kill her after divorced certainly like O.J. suspected may have had done like that. Therefore, I say to all married man or male, go to divorce immediately if you are unwilling to die before or immediately after your spouse dead body cremated cold. Therefore, man and woman who love each other dearest better not get anything to do with lawness (because man made law ou 看房子t of God's mercy love), so that after she died, he can still hold her from falling into hells, because like so called "5.Zhi.Boot.Myan.Dean.Lyu.", as long as in this earth she's someone's only love(notice Only Love matters), her ghost will stay with her sweetheart until he's not in this earth any more, then after he left, she would fall into hells if she not good enough to fly up or hold on in between, he either fly with her together up(like there's a song words "Up Up the way", I don't remember the rest of those words, somehow I certainly got those words into my mind) back to heaven, or he back to earth again as female form to meet the routine re-cycles. When man and woman truely have made love each other(like 孟子 said "Ren.Zhi.True.性本善), woman would always have our True God's bless to leave her sweetheart back up her, therefore, if she good enough to be up, he would always back up her, she falling down, she can only blame herself left no place for him back up for her. Therefore, woman, listen to my advise, do not whore, because any man having sex with her after she did or does whore, cannot become her true love. Man must always "Jer.善.Goo(gle).Zhi", preserve his only love, his true love must withstand time test no matter what happe 新成屋ned to her. Therefore, you should figure out how evil that stupid bad ugly evil ChuChaoRen had been, he knew I was virgin, he had no intention to marry any woman, he should not have had any right to fuck any woman at the first place. Go to hell ChuChaoRen, "Ten.Won.Wheel.Wheel.Sue.Are.Boot.Load", ChuChaoRen has no way to get away from his crimeS. Not mention the crimes that ChuChaoRen and his grouped had committed must be the most serious treason crime in the spy world, because spy must not allowed to challenge their head in any way. Go to hell "Yu.Sho(ck).What"(Linda Chwee)(917-4353068 718-2656502 70-45 LOUBET ST. FOREST HILLS NY 11375; 41-16 77ST ELMHURST NY 11373 717-2346655; 2615 N.4TH ST. Harrisbury PA 17110 717-2349335; 718-4467528; 66BAY 49th ST., Brooklyn N.Y. 11214; 179 Simonson Ave Staten Island NY 10303; Jeremy Cobb Co . Inc. 1290 Ave of The Americas. N.Y. N.Y.10104; 412-5216616; 718-4480805; 42-25 80ST. 6F ELMHURST, NY 11373 718-639-7087) and "Yu.Ling" (516-681-7003 718-631-8896 ; 886-33-331032; 886-2-[2]3961853/4; 886-2-[2]5719182/5; 886-2-[2]5615157/3935125/7; 886-2-[2]7662149; 886-2-[2]-7092000EX207), "Yu.Chain.Chain" (886-2-[2]7662149; 886-2-[2]7123958; 917-7146395; 212-5024884; 718-8841080; 718-6017120; and their dad "Yu.Jun."(29403594 BeiJing) You stupid bad ugly evil spy head sho 廬山住宿uld not have recruited any female into your spy world, because good woman in This World only has faith in her own kids and other underaged kids and her own sweetheart that she and he indeed love each other dearest(this may explain how come good woman would sooner or later loves God more than her man). Female dressed animal who has no sweetheart or lacks of the faith to her own under aged kids like Linda Chwee(Yu.Sho[ck].What) or Condi Rice(remember how she sucked Israel former head to fall, and threw stones to injured civilian US citizen Imus?) or Lu:ShowLain(remember how she sucked those Taiwanese mountain residents to demand them out of Taiwan to go to Central Latin American mountain place? what a cold blood that female dressed animal has showed) had showed cold blood has no way to be faithful in any her job, works not even think that she may know what mankind world's duty means. 宣欽仁 is the suspected treason criminal that grouped together with "Yu.Chain.Chain" (余千千886-2-[2]7662149; 886-2-[2]7123958; 917-7146395; 212-5024884; 718-8841080; 718-6017120) and her sister "Yu.Ling" (516-681-7003 718-631-8896 ; 886-33-331032; 886-2-[2]3961853/4; 886-2-[2]5719182/5; 886-2-[2]5615157/3935125/7; 886-2-[2]7662149; 886-2-[2]-7092000EX207) and their dad "Yu.Jun."(29403594 BeiJing) with ChuChaoRen( 朱兆任415-695-9678) 宣欽仁(886-3-39 廬山飯店07253 886-9-39640529 email:cr.hsiuan@msa.inet.net)-朱兆任(415-6959678 P.O.Box 26056 San Francisco CA 94126)-林兆欽(八堵林美玉's brother)-助選-林華萱(JungShiauLin's brother JungZhengLin's daughter. JungZhengLin 886-7-7104640)-林美華(one of Ticona Kaohsiung former workers hired by JungShiauLin)-林美玉(八堵 my playmate before I lost my parents)-余玲("Yu.Ling" 516-681-7003 718-631-8896 ; 886-33-331032; 886-2-[2]3961853/4; 886-2-[2]5719182/5; 886-2-[2]5615157/3935125/7; 886-2-[2]7662149; 886-2-[2]-7092000EX207) 宣欽仁 was showed deeply falling in love with 余千千 in 華興 schooling time. I don't know if 余千千 felt the same passion to him or not. 余千千-成千上萬-千山萬水-陳萬水-山窮水盡-陳?(86-574-87111330/87117805/87198000/87198111/87147030/87123787/87505838/87923540; 86-13805883707/13805861722 Billy Yan)-陳津佩(Taiwan "Yan.Ill.Ren.Yuan" nick name 大白鯊)-陳錦培(政大歷史系第二屆)-陳文尚( he was or is 華興teacher, he's 郭修凡's ex-未婚夫, at that time 郭修凡 worked in 華興 library, 郭修凡 had shared room with me when I worked in華興 Social Department. )-錢文霈(626-9198747)-陳文茜(886-2-27857181文茜小妹大)-錢文霖(錢文霈's second older brother, it said 錢文霖 immigrated to Singapore long time ago)-余玲(余千千's sister)-"余陳月.Ying"(余玲雅's mom; 余玲雅's 陳錦培政大歷史系第二屆 classmate)-鄭月英(English name N 廬山溫泉ancy [Zheng] Lee, 18527 Sweet Meadow, Spring, TX 77379 281-379-1687)-鄭余鎮(Taiwan law makers member, there's reporter reporting about his affair with 王筱嬋 out of the law)-陳真(Taiwan female singer, her appearance reminding me 郭修凡) There's one time 宣欽仁 and his wife unexpectedly met JungShiauLin and me and my daughter Jenny in 墾丁公園, he surprised me with very loud HAPPY voice spoke to me "想死你了" in front of JungShiauLin and his wife and other unknown 遊客, at that time, I did not have second doubt, I thought it was just an old classmate greeting, now I look back, I suspect that so called "想死你了" most likely linked to underground chained slavery secret code that he and JungShiauLin and may be those other unknown 遊客 who heard his voice must have known what it indeed meant. 宣欽仁(886-2-26721963/26746551/26719111#313136#313157; 886-3-3907253 886-9-39640529) "Sing.Jeye.Lux.Whore" enjoying other's painfulness worse than cold blood snakes, I wonder how much crimes he must have had committed invisibly under his military uniformed covering up. Taiwan military should jail him immediately and order military court and ask for world wide military provide any available information to try him and his links. "Sing.Jeye.Lux.Whore" enjoying other's painfulness must be the major reason JungShiauLin trapping me into his loveless marriage these 花蓮旅遊years. Law Makers around the world, why you want to have anything to do with your civilians marriage? I think your law should only need register military and public official workers marriages, you should have nothing to do with civilian's sex lifes, you should tell your civilians they can do whatever they like as long as they don't have anything to do with public office works, woman needs to take care her own kids if she so stupid to burden herself with kids, Government can take care only one kid for every woman, when the woman hand her kid to cared by government, government must demand that woman to remove her whole system of birth function, so that she can have all fun she wants and not risk any chance to bring any more innocent baby to come into this world to face dead ahead endless hell cycles. Why I must not go ahead to do the divorce myself? Because it is not right, it is JungShiauLin's duty to do it, I must not do the duty for him, just like woman must not occupy public office to take away the man's right to service the Public Chinese so called 公眾, or kind like Republic of China must not have right to divorce Mainland Chinese to become the Nationn of Taiwan directly, if you done it any way, you must have no chance to get the time to learn the lesson any more; this may explain how come God blocked me from finished the divorce that I already filed, because when w 花蓮民宿e made mistakes rooted of stupid or naive and good will, though it is nothing to do with crime or sin, yet we still must pay the time to learn the lesson, when we run out of enough time to learn the lesson or that mistake too serious to have lesson made up; naive, stupid with goodwill desrves God blocks from falling down to that deadly path. To win the NBA champion, you must be very good, to back to heaven, we must be in good side all the time, low standard law not good enough to fly us back to heaven. Woman needs to know 小不忍亂大謀, it is 天壤之別, 上天堂下地獄 一線間隔. JungShiauLin does not do his duty to divorce me can only have all losers, no winner; the difference is good losers in this world like me and my sweetheart Jone Lee can still be back up to heaven without a doubt. We have true love matched up, we are certain flying back our True God embrace. In front of God "Only Love matters" (as stated in the book "Many Lives, Many Masters"), like Chinese said "唯情是問". What I don't understand is you law makers already seen your marriage law making so many marriage hells why you don't do your duty to seek any correcting, improving or changing as a law makers supposed to do your lawful responsibility to help all your civilians to have best opportunity to get better lifes.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吉安民宿  .

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          Marriage is a man surrendering his personal freedom to his wife (You ma 酒店打工情色網</ 情色論壇span>d your wife to the 酒店經紀degree to go to your office to bark, you must have 烤肉食材to afford her to bark you inside your office or you must not be hired by a 票貼ny office. You burden her with that heavy duty of mom, you deserve to lose all your civil right 辦公室出租 before she can off that heavy mom duty hook. ), that man must not married to that woman. A man married to 酒店工作that woman, he has to surrender all his personal freedom, not mention his cell phone, his CD DVD, his business that must worked,& 酒店經紀nbsp;bought or gifted through his personal. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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          Your Government is the evilest criminal That how your Court must be set for try anyone of them, not you the people. That how those sucking underground chained slavery terrors committed the crime of lies in the 6.4." 酒店經紀Ten.Ann.Man" crime scene got away at large around the globe. Because the evil Chinese all slaved by them, the good better best Chines 設計裝潢e all can see the point of view that I am telling you, that also matches the rule that you must have no way to try any liar, you kill those liars showing 室內設計 in front of your eyes instead of wasting your public fund, public energy, public time, public room to allow those liars to use your court to spread their lies even further harm 建築設計, you cannot afford to see them like nothing like God does, therefore, you have to do all you can to kill them all. Your Government is the evilest criminal, you just see how that liar USA governm 住商房屋ent lied to that Unibomber family members and got away from their lies; that how you need to kill all Harvard law school professors for none of them can have the righteous guts to stand up to sue that lair USA governmen 房屋買賣t to guard the Unibomber honest right. You must not turn any wanted to your sucking government, you must respect those wanted free right at large, so that they can come again and again as man form to balance your sucking evilest governmen 酒店工作t form. That how stupid bad ugly evil that At larged criminal's ex-wife to committed whore crime to got her USA liar President Bill Clinton to parden her ex-husband while he's not in jail any way; too stupid bad ugly evil to know that his hells crime 網路行銷 only at large out out of the evilest government most wanted can give him that chance to come again. That how you have to divorce her, if you already committed treason crime, no matter she like or dislike, agree or disagree, because disagree you to divorce you treason c 系統傢俱rime is her evil "Sin.G" to make you to meet your no point of returning dead end. Because marriage Treason crime out of your evilest government wanted not mention most wanted.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 永慶房屋  .

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          2009 12 16 新流感 風雲第2集終於出了 已經10年了 郭富城跟鄭伊健也都看得出來老了 但是電影裡的時空依舊沒變 真是令人 烤肉食材懷念!! 風雲2 The Storm 婚禮顧問 Warriors II 上映日期:2009-12-11 類  小型辦公室 型:劇情、武俠、動作 片  長:1時49分 導  演:《見鬼?花蓮民宿n彭氏兄弟 演  員:《殺人犯》郭富城、《風雲雄霸天下》鄭伊健 、《功夫灌籃》蔡卓妍、 室內設計《新警察故事》謝霆鋒、《鐵三角》任達華 發行公司:學者國際多媒體 ★頂級製作團隊!《滿城盡帶黃金甲》國際電 售屋網a>影美術大師-奚仲文、《投名狀》《十面埋伏》亞洲頂級武導-馬玉成 聯手打造武俠新視覺! ★全片均以藍布景和特製的實景等為基礎拍攝,將中國文化?訂做禮服B電腦特技、紮實武打和影像語言等四者揉合,創造全新的武俠世界! ★時隔十年,風雲再起!重現步驚雲「麒麟臂」,城城狂舉啞鈴再戰江湖! 東瀛霸主絕無神(任達華飾 住商房屋演)為奪中土皇權,擒下一眾武林人士逼其臣服,就連步驚雲(郭富城飾演)、聶風(鄭伊健飾演)及武林神話無名(何家勁飾演)連手,與絕無神對峙亦受重創。 楚楚(唐嫣飾演)為救步驚雲擋下重擊而昏 新成屋迷不醒,令步驚雲心愧不已。為保江湖,聶風不惜以身犯險修煉魔功。期間,他遇上了生命中的另一至愛第二夢(蔡卓研飾演)。 絕無神軍隊在迅雷不及掩耳之際,兵臨城下再下一城,眾人始料不及,而聶風為救第二夢卻中途破關… 居酒屋…  .

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          科學人》雜誌2009年3月焦點文章--溫室漢堡 溫室漢堡吃下一客牛肉漢堡,背後要排放多少溫室氣體?要付出多少環境代價? 撰文╱費亞拉(Nathan Fiala)翻譯/林慧珍 重點提要■以同樣的重量單位來比較,生產牛肉產生的溫室氣體所造成的暖 酒店工作化效應,大約是生產雞肉的13倍、生產馬鈴薯的57倍。 ■牛肉消費量正在迅速上升,人口增加與更高的肉類攝取量都是原因。 ■要生產美國民眾一 襯衫年所吃的牛肉,排放的溫室氣體量與一部車行駛2900公里所排的溫室氣體一樣多。 眾所周知,汽車、火力發電,甚至水泥廠,都對環境有負面影響,但是我們所吃的食物卻 膠原蛋白到最近才開始受到討論。根據聯合國糧食及農業組織(FAO)在2006年的報告,我們的飲食,特別是肉類,排放到大氣中的溫室氣體比運輸或工業更高,這些溫室氣體包括了二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亞氮等( 吳哥窟溫室氣體會捕捉太陽能,讓地球表面變暖,由於不同氣體的溫室效應各有差異,因此在量化各種溫室氣體時,通常以能造成同等溫室效應的二氧化碳當量來表示)。 FAO的報告認為,全世界每年總共製造約360億噸「二氧化碳 濾桶當量」的溫室氣體,而以目前的肉類生產量估計,其排放的溫室氣體量約佔總量的14~22%;原來,要生產供應一人份午餐的225公克漢堡肉(半磅,一片約兩張撲克牌大小的肉餅),釋出的溫室氣體竟然與一輛1360公斤重的汽車行駛近16公里一樣多。 酒店打工 事實上,我們所消費的每一種食物,包括蔬菜、水果等,都隱含著看不見的環境代價:運輸、冷藏與耕作所需的燃料,以及植物與動物所排放的甲烷,都能導致大氣中的溫室氣體增加。以蘆筍為例,美國華盛頓大學的摩根與同事在一份為西雅圖市撰寫的報告中指出,在秘魯每耕?買屋堣@公斤蔬菜,會排放相當於150公克二氧化碳的溫室氣體(來自施用殺蟲劑與肥料、抽水及駕駛笨重而耗油的農業設備等),而為了將蔬菜送上美國人的餐桌,冷藏與運輸所使用的燃料,還會額外產生250公克二氧化碳當量的溫室氣體,總計排放400公克二氧化碳當量的溫室氣體。 但這些代價跟牛肉?個人信貸菑韖u是小巫見大巫。1999年,當時任職英國東英吉利大學的生態經濟學家蘇北克(Susan Subak)發現,牛隻每增重一公斤牛肉所排放的甲烷量,依生產方式之不同約在150~290公克之間,以甲烷的溫室效應潛力約為二氧化碳的23倍來計算,則排放了約3.6~6.8公斤二氧化碳當量的溫室氣體。 飼養動物時,要使動物增加每單?酒店打工嚃擳咿珨搨n的飼料量也相當龐大。根據荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學的潤德斯與美國洛馬林達大學的索瑞特在2003年所做的估計,生產餐桌上一公斤的牛肉蛋白質,需要10公斤以上的植物性蛋白質(加上穀類耕種過程產生的溫室氣體);此外,畜養動物的農場也產生了大量廢棄物,導致溫室氣體的增加。【欲閱讀更豐富內容,請參閱科學人2009年第85期3月?賣屋飽j  .

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          錢被朋友劫走 Q.能幫我看看嗎?這幾年全心全意力挺一個朋友(不論是金錢上或工作上),結 網路行銷果、下場卻是被犧?帛琉?....像這樣錢被朋友劫走,應該看財帛宮 G2000還是交友宮啊,我應該記取教訓、 不要再犯同樣的錯誤..有人可 長灘島告訴我、 我的命盤要注意什麼嗎? 感謝~~ A.●財帛宮坐生年祿祿主財,祿入財位表示賺錢比 系統傢俱較有機會,也比較容易,要享受不缺錢花。天機化祿落財帛,表示靠智慧、反應、機巧賺錢。●命宮宮干“癸”, 訂做禮服巨門化權入財帛宮,會生年祿,又自化忌財帛為現金位,得祿、權者,都適合市場的開發、銷售等直接創造利潤的作為,當然也適合現金生?小型辦公室N。財帛自化忌,口袋經常沒法多帶錢,多了總是有事將錢花掉,或錢老是花在非刀口上。逢福德宮、夫妻宮飛祿成“祿忌戰剋”,最容易生仇結怨,財務狀況不 土地買賣易掌控。●交友宮干“戊”,貪狼化祿入疾厄宮,天機化忌入財帛宮祿主因,忌主果。容易交上『算計錢財』、『不仁不義』或『窮困潦倒』的對象。多檢點財務,免遭小人覬覦、 膠原蛋白破財。  .

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